So you might of read of few post before but our office needs a little love. In the past few months we have collected most of our childhood keep-sakes since our parents did some spring cleaning. Dave and I haven't really wanted to take all of our memorabilia but if we didn't accept our parents gifts, they were going in the trash. We couldn't do that to bunny, Pongo and every stuffed Florida Gator imaginable! With all of our stuff in one room, you can image what it might look like.
Yup, its a big mess! Our office is more chaotic now than what is shown in this picture because we had to remove everything out of the closets to paint their interior. Here is one closet that Dave rebuilt while I was baking and anticipating the paint job soon to come.
We've devised a plan! We want the office to have multiple functions, not only will it be an office but it will also be a work out/reading room. Dave came across the idea of putting the desk in one of our closets.
FYI-Guys we caught him in the act--Dave was browsing Martha Stewart! when he found the closet idea--I told you everyone loves martha, she's so crafty! But its a great idea, none the less. I had already purchased the Lack shelves from Ikea so we've a step ahead of the game! We intend on building a table top ourselves because our current desk is too wide to fit in the door frame. Dave and I are still gonna have to make a special trip up to Ikea anyway for a few more products for the closet converted office project. This time, I think I'm gonna drag Dave to Ikea so he can see this glorious store in his own eyes! **Ikea has not paid me to be a spokesperson, I do that of my own free will** Here is what is on my shopping list: magazine files, cork-message board, boxes with lids, swivel chair, and some sort of drawer unit on casters.
As for the rest of the room, we wanted a space that we can use as a small workout area. The only way that I can stay in-shape and not become a fluffy wife is working out to my Yoga Booty Ballet DVDs. If you like to dance, it definitely for you! I have a spare TV and DVD player and will fit nicely on the bookshelf. Our love seat will provide a great area to read or just rest. Dave has a banjo that he has been wanting to learn how to play and this place would be great for him to practice.
Hopefully this office will be functional and peaceful. A good place to work on many projects from arts and crafts to learning the "art" of bluegrass. Maybe I should purchase some earplugs on my next trip to Lowe's so I'll be ready!
Sounds like a good plan!