Well David didn't hold back for my birthday this year! During a breakfast birthday celebration at the Crepe Myrtle Cafe with the moms, he gave me a down comforter that actually fits a queen bed. Let me just say that if you haven't tried the Crepe Myrtle Cafe in Auburn, its a must. They do all sorts of different crepes for you to choose from like the Florentine, which has egg, spinach, mushrooms, and feta. They even have dessert crepes! Plus you can check our Blooming Colors fresh market when you are there too. Back to the fun part, the gifts! The trick with finding a comforter that look good with your duvet cover, is you must get a comforter that is 90 x 92 inches or larger. A full/queen comforter with the dimensions of 88 x 89 inches or similar measures will look a little frumpy and your duvet cover won't be as full as you would like. So remember to keep your measurements in mind when you are looking for a down comforter.

After we got home I immediately put our bedding together and presto! Now David says its like his in a sea of pillows. I love it. I still need to work on some of our vignettes in our bedroom. Right now, they look a little rough.
Here's a before shot, the head board and comforter bring more "umph" to the room.
Not only did I just get a comforter, I got a lovely dinner at a great restaurant in town, Zazu's. Dave did let me that I was to get something else but I had to wait for it to come it. And Yes, it was the HTC Droid Incredible from Verizon. Its pretty awesome. But of course my luck would ring true, they already came out with a new version. Oh the joys of marketing!
Does anyone who reads this other than Adriene even know what a "vignette" is???